How to use Instagram and Facebook to boost your eyelash extension business

Picture of Rimvita Marcinkeviciute
Rimvita Marcinkeviciute

Founder of RM Lash Academy and lash expert

Girl uses mobile phone to find information about Instagram for her business.

Chances are, you have your own Instagram and Facebook accounts which you use to talk to friends and update people on the happenings in your life. If so, you’ll understand how easy it is to use these social platforms to communicate with lots of people at once.

The great news is that it is just as easy to utilise social media when it comes to your lash business. Setting up accounts to promote your eyelash extension or training services can help you gain more clients and create brand awareness.

Before you get to work on building your online space, decide on what you want your branding to look like. This includes the colours you will use, fonts, your logo and tone of voice.

Keeping consistent will help build your brand identity, as people will associate your business with your branding. It will also give you a starting point when it comes to building a website and any other marketing materials.

How do I get my Instagram business account up and running?

We’ll start by looking at Instagram. To get started, simply choose a name for your Instagram page (we recommend using your business name so people can find you quickly) and set the page to be a business account. 

It’s a good idea to have a couple of photos ready to post and to ask your friends and family to start following you straight away. This way, if someone happens to stumble upon your account, they’ll see you are an active business.

Next, start following people who you know are in your local area. Chances are, your future clients will be people who live near you. Making sure that your page is populated with images before you start following people will make them more likely to follow you back.

You’ll also want to follow your competitors, especially ones that have more followers than you. This will give you an idea of what you need to post to engage an audience.

When and how often should I post on Instagram?

There are certain times of the day that are better for posting than others. Over time, you’ll be able to analyse at what time of the day your posts get the most interactions but, to begin with, try posting at lunchtime and in the evening, between 7 pm – 9 pm. In general, it is around these times that posts get the best engagement.

If you’ve ever followed someone on Instagram who floods your feed with multiple photos every day, you’ll know how annoying it can be! When it comes to Instagram, less is more and you should favour quality over quantity.

If you post too much on this social media channel, people will become annoyed and unfollow you. Aim for a post a day in the beginning, as you start to build up your followers.

What kind of content should I post on Instagram?

It’s important to mix it up when it comes to content. You may want to sell spaces on the latest lash course you are running, but constant sales messages are a turn-off for followers.

Think about the kind of content that makes you happy. Most likely, it is inspiring photos and captions that make you feel positive. Of course, you can include a sales message now and again but focus on mainly posting content which represents your brand’s story. It should make your followers feel uplifted, inspired and connected to you. As a result, they’ll be more likely to react positively when you slip in a sales message.

Finally, Instagram stories should not be ignored. Consider appearing personally on your stories, talking to the camera. It can positively impact a business if potential customers know the face behind the pictures and words.

Your followers will see that there is a real person behind the account and are more likely to feel connected to you. It’s much more effective to deliver a sales message speaking directly into the camera on Instagram stories, than by posting a photo on your Instagram feed.

If, however, you don’t feel comfortable appearing on camera, you can use Instagram stories to show behind-the-scenes moments of your courses. Or, another popular way to engage with followers is to invite them to ask you questions, which you can then answer on Instagram Stories by typing out responses, rather than showing your face.

Why should I set up a Facebook account for my business?

It’s strongly recommended that you set up a Facebook page for your business. This social media platform is a great place to develop your brand identity and show your human side.

Facebook is brilliant because it has built-in features designed to support business growth. Have you heard of Facebook Ads? You definitely would have noticed them before. They appear in the side columns of the Facebook site and are referred to more specifically as Marketplace Ads.

You’ll be able to personalize each ad to include a headline with copy, an image, and a click-through link to either a Facebook page, Facebook app, or website. You can customise them to target a specific audience and boost them with money to help you reach larger audiences.

How do I grow my audience on Facebook?

Initially, it is a good idea to post on your personal Facebook account, asking people to ‘like‘ your business page. Going forwards, when it comes to Facebook, your follower growth will likely come from your clients, friends and family.

Extra ‘likes’ will come from current followers ‘sharing’ your posts or tagging you on their own. If you want people to like and share your content, you’re going to have to make sure it’s engaging for your audience. Think about the content that you engage with the best.

Your Facebook page is also the place where potential clients are likely to come to check your business out. Unlike Instagram, which is mostly content-led, it is okay to be more ‘salesy’ on your Facebook business page. You should post regularly about any new courses you are running or availabilities for lash treatment and even encourage people to ‘tag’ their friends who they think will be interested in.

Encourage all clients at the end of each of your course to leave a review on your Facebook page. A five-star review is so valuable and will reassure potential clients that your course is worthwhile.

Should my Facebook and Instagram content be different?

It’s recommended that you make sure there is a definite difference between your Instagram content and your Facebook content. Make your Instagram page full of beautiful imagery and inspiring quotes.

Your Facebook page on the other hand can be used as the front-end of your business. Still post interesting imagery, perhaps of your set-up or of your clients attending your course or lash treatment. Don’t be afraid to be sales-driven on Facebook.

Now that you’ve had a few quick-fire lessons on how to use Instagram and Facebook to boost your lash extension business brand visibility, you’re ready to go forth and conquer! It can take time to grow, so trust the process and enjoy interacting with your clients. Remember, social media should be fun, even when you’re talking business, so get creative. If you’re not having fun with it, you’re doing something wrong.


RM Lash & Beauty are a respected source of knowledge for lash trainers and technicians alike. The quality of their professional eyelash extension education products and training courses reflect their lengthy experience in the industry and positively impacts lash extension professionals globally.


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