Lash technician’s guide: Spine-health daily rituals & ergonomic studio tips

Picture of Rimvita Marcinkeviciute
Rimvita Marcinkeviciute

Founder of RM Lash Academy and lash expert

Woman stretching her back on a yoga mat in front of an open laptop.

As a lash technician, your job is about precision and attention to detail. You spend several hours a day working on clients, which means lots of time spent sitting or standing in one spot. While your focus may be on perfecting a client’s look, taking breaks and caring for your spinal health is essential. Knee-deep in work, you might be cutting it close to finish your job on time, but taking a 5-10 minute break to stretch or walk around will go a long way in preventing spinal damage. The problem with spine health is that the effects may not be immediately noticeable; neglect over time causes most problems. That’s why we’ll dive into daily habits that lash technicians can incorporate outside of work to support spine health.

Mastering your posture

This age-long tip can never be overemphasized. Poor posture can lead to backaches, neck pain, and even headaches. Make an effort to sit up straight while working. Keep your shoulder blades relaxed and your hips pressed against the back of your chair. Engage in activities that promote good posture outside of work.

Active routine for spine health

It’s no secret that being active is one of the best things you can do for your body. Regular exercise does wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Both cardio and strength training are effective in promoting spine health. Exercise is critical for lash technicians since your job involves being seated or standing for extended periods.

Embrace the stretch

You should aim to stretch regularly at work. Spending hours staring down at your workstation can cause strains in the neck, shoulders, and lower back region. Taking breaks and stretching at work is a great way to promote flexibility and improve circulation. Regular stretching can prevent the development of tension in the neck and lower back.

Optimal sleep for spinal care

While it might be tempting to catch some sleep on your back after a long day at work, it’s better to sleep on your side. This sleeping position helps to minimize snoring and prevents the development of sleep apnea. Make sure you have a comfortable mattress and pillow supporting your spine’s natural curvature.

Tuning into body signals

Lastly, always listen to your body. If you feel pain, change your posture, stretch, or take breaks. Make it a habit to pay attention to your body’s needs and take the necessary steps to keep it healthy. 

Activities that can help improve spinal health:

Yoga: Spine’s flexibility friend

Many yoga poses can help strengthen the core muscles that play a crucial role in supporting the spine. Additionally, the stretching involved in yoga helps elongate the spine, relieving pressure and discomfort from sitting for extended periods. Some simple yoga poses include the downward-facing dog, cobra, and child’s pose. Adding yoga into your daily routine can help prevent future spine problems and reduce back pain.

Pilates: Strengthen and align

Through a series of controlled movements, Pilates also targets the core muscles that support the spine. Those exercises are designed to build strength and improve your flexibility, helping alleviate lower back pain and improve posture. Pilates exercises can be done at home or in a studio and can be modified for any level of fitness or experience.

Everyday stretches for relief

Along with yoga and Pilates, simple stretches can also help address spine health issues. A few stretches to try include the standing hamstring stretch, seated spinal twist, and seated forward fold. Regular stretching can help maintain flexibility, alleviate muscle tension, and improve circulation.

Workspace posture perfection

A key aspect of spine health is maintaining proper posture at work and in everyday life. Lash technicians should focus on sitting upright with shoulders relaxed and feet flat on the ground to help keep the spine in a neutral position. It’s also important to adjust your workstation to suit your body and to take frequent breaks to stretch and move around.

Holistic spine-healthy habits

Many other activities and lifestyle choices can help maintain spine health. Cardio exercises like swimming and cycling help improve circulation and strengthen muscles without putting additional pressure on the spine. Eating well-balanced food with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help keep muscles and bones strong while also reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

Lashing with a healthy spine

Your spinal health is not something you should take for granted. As a lash technician, it’s essential to incorporate habits such as good posture, exercise, stretch breaks, and sleep positions to promote spine health. Apart from the benefits you’ll enjoy from these habits, you’ll also be able to perform better at work since you’ll feel healthier and more agile. With a little effort, you can keep your spine healthy and ensure you’re always at the top of your game. Start incorporating these daily habits into your work routine today and see the difference in your overall health.

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